
Tuition Rates


 $55 per Day per Child


 $280 per Week, per Child


 $1.120 Per Month, per Child

18 Month

$300 per Week,

$1.200 per Month 


$300 per Week,

 $1.200 per Month

Three and Fours-Year-Olds

$280 per Week

fully potty 


There is no credit, discounts, or refund for sick days, snow days, acts of God, inclement weather, holidays, or parent/child vacations.

Late Payment


Tuition is due by close of business each Monday provided with on the Tuition Express Due Dates. A $10 per day late fee will be charged to all accounts that are not paid in full by due dates. Families with balances that exceed their deposit may be suspended and or terminated from the program. 

Late Pick-Up Fee

PLCFD closes at 5:00pm. Please plan your commute accordingly.  If you believe you are going to be late, remember to call the Center or make other arrangements for pick up.  Any child picked up between 5:15pm and 5:30pm will incur a late fee of $1 per minute. Children picked up after 5:30pm will incur a $2 per minute late pick up fee. Late fees will be deducted from the account given for Tuition Express with the next tuition cycle.