Promises Learning Day Care


Promises Learning Center Family Daycare (PLCFD) is more than just daycare. Here at PLCFD, we have created an enivornment in which your childs social, emotional and academic success is priortized. Our daycare is a safe, clean and loving space where children (18 months to 5 years old) are offered learning opportunities to grow.

Promises Learning Center Family Daycare is a licensed daycare where we work under all the requirements of Howard County.

 Activities of Learning

Language Arts: 

Hand Washing 

Students will wash their hands

•      When arriving for the day

•      Before eating

•      After eating

•      When coming in from outdoor play

•      After sensory play such as sand or water tables

•      After toileting

•      When exposed to bodily fluids - such as blood or vomit

•      After wiping noses, mouths, or cuts

•      After handling animals

Sick Children 

Sick children are not allowed at the Daycare. Symptoms of illness like vomiting, high temperature/fever, undiagnosed rashes, and cold symptoms that do not subside.


Once it is discovered that a child is il parents will be notified. Parent, guardia or parent authorized person must pick up the child within thirty (30) minutes.  If the parent or guardian cannot be reached in a timely manner, staff will contact supplied emergency contacts. Therefore, it is important that emergency forms are always up to date.


children sent home may not return to the Center unless they have been symptom free for 24 hours. This policy has been established for the health and safety of your child as well as the staff and the other children.

Communicable Diseases 

Parents MUST inform PLCFD if a child is infected with or has been exposed to a reportable communicable disease. (e.g. conjunctivitis,  chickenpox, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, strep throat, ring worm).  We will not admit a child with a contagious disease during the period of communicability. Readmission to PLCFD requires a written note by the child’s pediatrician or licensed health practitioner.      


When a child is diagnosed as having a contagious illness, the child must be excluded from PLCFD for the period of time defined by the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.  A doctor’s note will be needed indicating that the period of contagion has passed if symptoms persist after a child was diagnosed with a communicable illness.  If a child is diagnosed with a contagious illness over the weekend or holiday break, parents should still notify Administration and the child’s teacher so that proper parent notification can be processed.


We will only administer medication if the Medication Authorization Form (OCC 1216) is completed and signed by the parent and child's physician or certified nurse practitioner.  Staff will only administer one dosage of medication per day.  Topical items like lotions, diaper rash products, sunscreen, insect repellent etc. do not require a Medication Administration Form.  Topical items will only be administered after the parent provides the item and a written consent.  Other over the counter medication will NOT be administered (ie. Children's Tylenol, Advil, Allergy relief, etc.) 

Mosquito Repellent

Children spend time outdoors during spring, summer, and fall months.  At times there is an increase of mosquitoes.  Parents are asked to provide mosquito or bug repellents for their children in order to apply prior to children going outdoors. This is considered a topical application and requires parental written authorization.  Label the bottle with your child’s name.



During the summer months we ask parents to apply the child’s first application before school.  We will apply a second application once parents provide an unexpired bottle of sunscreen that has been labeled with the child’s name, along with written authorization.



It is important and the parent's responsibility to make PLCFD Administration aware of any allergies or sensitivities the child may have, as well as plans for responding in the event of an allergic reaction.  These must be documented on the child’s Emergency Form and Health Inventory Form